
8 Mile Trail

8 Mile Trail

Autumn and her friend Chloe hiked the 8 Mile Trail in the mountains last Sunday and was doused with a heavy cloud burst. Meanwhile down here in town we also had heavy rain but with thunder and lightening. I was so glad to find out there was no thunder and lightening where they were. Didnt even hear the thunder. Thats how weird the weather can be in the mountains. Autumn got some fabulous photos out of this adventure.

AnnaRelease 20 June 2014AnnaRelease20June2014

ArtPlay Palette WildernessArtPlayPaletteWilderness
WildFlowers No. 1WildFlowersNo.1
Outdoors WordART No. 2OutdoorsWordARTNo.2
WarpingFrames No. 3WarpingFramesNo.3

Additional Supplies:
FotoBlendz Overlays No. 12FotoBlendzOverlaysNo.12
FotoGlow Mix No. 1FotoGlowMixNo.1
TapedTextures No. 9TapedTexturesNo.9
MultiMedia Rain No. 1MultiMediaRainNo.1
Photos: Autumn Reed
Fonts: Boldstroke Serif and Traveling Tyepwriter

Notes: Using artsy paper 4 as the foundation, I brought in the fotoblendz and clipped the cloud covered mountain photo to it and blended the mask to Color Burn. Over these layers I put the art stroke and splatters. Then I played around with and placed the other two photos. I put a photo glow over those to pop the color since it was a dark day.

The warping frame went over the girls, skewing a little bit. I placed the word art in the bottom left photo along with a label for each photo, giving them a tiny drop shadow. The wildflower brush in white runs up into the photo at the bottom also colored in white. I drew a rough frame around that photo with a PS brush then added the tape, which I blended to Linear Burn to pop out the texture more.

I added the title in brown and gave the number a bevel and emboss, then brought in the charm, hanging from the warping frame. I added their names, date and place. Finally the png MM Rain was placed over these layers to add atmosphere. That finished this page.
The background couldn't be more perfect for these photos. Looks like a beautiful trail. Glad they made it home safely and just a little wetter than when they left.
You've created a great Artsy background, the photos are beautiful, love the framing, an awesome page!!
That background! It suggests some incredible views. Mountain weather is so wildly unpredictable....glad all was well for these intrepid hikers!
What a beautiful lush background you've painted for her wonderful images. Love the frames that you built. Gorgeous page!

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Anna Aspnes
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Barbara Houston
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