There is so much rich history to learn about this country that was never taught in school. This is just a tiny piece of history of why Geronimo became the fierce warrior he became, and I totally understand and sympathize with the anguish it came from. I trolled the internet for some of his history and paraphrased from a site I unfortunately didnt record in my notes.
ArtPlay Palette Lateritious
ArtsyTransfers Lateritious
Southwestern No. 2
UrbanThreadz No. 16
Splatters No. 2
Postage Frames No. 1
LightLeaks No. 3
ArtsyFeathers No. 1
Photos: Internet
Fonts: Belluga, Hello Sunshine and Traveling Typewriter
Notes: Artsy paper 4 as the foundation, I brought in the photos. After bringing in the psd postage frames, I clipped one of the photos to both frames, then below I placed the other photo, blending to Color Burn. Underneath I placed a couple of pieces of a artsy transfer to border the bottom of the photo. The texture of the artsy transfer was placed over the photo, then I placed other bits and pieces of the transfer in the sky area. In addition I brought in the artsy stroke from the kit and splatters 2 along the left edge of the page. I placed a light leak over the photo and blended to Overlay.
Underneath the photos on the left edge I used a southwestern brush taking the color from the palette.
The urban threads was placed and underneath the feathers. I locked down the feathers and painted them with the soft round brush using colors from the palette and then placed a button.
The title was added and text boxes arranged around it and pasted in my research. I added the verbiage to the postage stamp photo.