
Her Secret Is . . .

Her Secret Is . . .

If you need to
step back and get
away from things
for a bit, do
exactly what you
need to do for
you to gain
clarity again.


ArtPlay Palette AmaranthineArtPlayPaletteAmaranthine
Amaranthine WordART Mix No. 1AmaranthineWordARTMixNo.1
UrbanStitichez No. 12UrbanStitchezNo.12
Layered FotoBlendz No. 7LayeredFotoBlendzNo.7
Font: Bebas Neue
Image: Dover Clipart + BarnImages

Notes: Solid paper 2 as the foundation, I placed four fotoblendz masks on the page and clipped various artsy papers to them and a photo to the upper right mask. Over the photo I added the clipart and the photo was blended to Overlay taking on the paper underneath. All the masks are on Normal blend mode with the exception of the mask below the photo/clipart set, its on Multiply.

I built up the layout with the lacy transfer on the left side of the page, staying with the parameters of the masks, art stroke and splatters. The torn paper transfer was placed just above photo/clipart set with Linear Burn blend mode to bring out the rips better.

Placing the dried flower, resizing it, then adding the title from the word art mis, I typed out the quote. Underneath the quote I drew out a rectangle with the shape tool and used a vellum action on it to bring out the type. Finally, three sets of stitches were added to the bottom of the water line of the clipart and the heart over the figure. That finished the page.
Trs belle page Barbara, j'aime beaucoup votre travail et vos explications qui me permettent de progresser, cette Palette Amarante de magnifiques couleurs.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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