


Papers: In Retrospect kit (solid lt blue) by Taylormade & FeiFeis Stuff & Peaches & Regalia kit (neutral & lace) by Taylormade designs (both available at Oscraps) blended (love how they turned out!)
Frame: Paislee Press Mailing Labels Frame (available at Oscraps)
Staples: Plain Jane kit stapled twice by Talormade Designs (available at Oscraps)

Fonts: Typical Writer & Susies Hand

It seems like those teeth of yours always leave us waiting. We waited over a year for your first tooth to pop through. Five years later, as your friends in kindergarten started losing their teeth, we waited for you to earn a star on the I Lost a Tooth chart. You never earned that star. We waited all through first grade, anxiously checking for any sign of a loose tooth. Never happened. Finally, in June 2008, you had some VERY exciting news for me...a loose tooth! So we waited again. For months, you proudly showed off your loose tooth. You checked the wiggliness every week. But you refused to let me pull it. As we waited, I recounted how my dad pulled my loose teeth with a pliers (well at least one or two, and yes, mom, he really did). I told you how my front teeth were knocked out when I fell off the monkey bars one day after church. We waited the whole summer. Finally, one Saturday morning just ten days before your 8th birthday, you screamed, My tooth is falling out! We were both a little shaky as I reached in and grabbed the tooth which just fell out in my hand. Then all that was left was to wait for the Tooth Fairy to show up, which she did, leaving you $5 for that much anticipated 1st tooth! And now we wait for the next loose tooth to appear!
Authors note: As of November 8, 2008, were still
waiting for that 2nd loose tooth to show up!

awwww... what GREAT journaling!!!!! i LOVE how you told the story! (especially the part about your dad pulling yours with pliers... um... i can relate! hahahaah)

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