

Sour Cream Pound Cake

Journaling: After not baking for years, I had a craving for this family favorite. Since the middle of March, Ive baked this cake three times, and three times I ate the whole thing. I love it best with lemon icing over the top and sides. I want to bake it again, but Im going to resist, my waistline will thank me for it.

ArtPlay MiniPalette Ariose Available Free for a short time starting Saturday May 5 with $20.00 purchase in Annas Store
ArtsyStains No. 6ArtsyStainsNo.6
Splatters No. 2SplattersNo.2
TapedTextures No. 1TapedTexturesNo.1
FotoInspired Template Pack No. 2HFotoInspiredTemplatePackNo.2H
WaterColor FotoBlendz No. 8WaterColorFotoBlendzNo.8
Photos: Mine and MorgueFile
Fonts: Tom and Caferus

Notes: Using solid paper 2 as the foundation in the FotoInspired template page, I selected all the layers and reduced the size of the masks and deleted the layers I didnt need. Just above the foundation layer and below the masks, I brought in the psd watercolor mask and clipped the photo to the layers I wanted to use and deleted the rest. This blended the icing into the background. I duplicated each photo and put them on Screen blend mode. I grouped the layers. I clipped the rest of the photos to their respective masks and also duplicated each photo and put those on Screen blend mode. I wanted the page to look like great food shots instead of photos taken in bad lighting. ;-) I used the background paper for the foundation of the ingredients list. Over this layer I placed stains, splatters, brush from the kit and a transfer at a reduced size. I also placed a tape at the top of the mask segment overlapping the photo above it. Another tape was used at the top right photo.

I worked on the title next and also grouped it and placed the crown element at the top. I added the recipe and journaling. Transfer, overlays and art strokes were added.

Adding the dimensional elements, then over the stars I added splatters on clipped layers. Using the line tool nested in with the Shape Tools, I drew a couple of thin lines to border the top and right side of the photos. That finished the page.
Sounds delicious! Perfect color palette for sour cream pound cake! Love the supporting photos!
I need to look at this on my ipad so I can study the recipe - looks like a recipe I would love! I would never have thought of using this kit for a recipe but that's the great thing about this art, we keep on learning from one another! Lovely page!
This is terrific! Thank you for the recipe. I like how much there is to look at on this page but it doesn't feel busy.
Yummy design and recipe! I do the same only with cookies, eat them all! Love the how the b/w photo contrasts with the APP.

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Anna Aspnes
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Barbara Houston
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