


Quote: It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

ArtPlay Palette Surfs UpArtPlayPaletteSurf'sUp
Coastal No. 2CoastalNo.2
RippedPaper No. 1RippedPaperNo.1
BeachWordART Mix No. 3BeachWordARTMixNo.3
ButtonThreadz No. 3ButtonThreadzNo.3
HandStitchez No. 1HandStitchezNo.1
Abstract FotoBlendz No. 6 (Retired)
CoolGlows No. 1CoolglowsNo.1
Sparkle Edge Overlays No. 1SparkleEdgeOverlaysNo.1
Photo: MorgueFile + Pixabay

Notes: Opening the black and white photo and making it a Smart Object, I layered the cutout and halftone filters on it. Then creating a new 12x12 file, brought it in along the the mask, clipping the photo to it and resizing. Solid paper 1 is the background and blending the mask to Color Burn and placing a transfer underneath the photo. Just above the transfer in the layers panel is the light house brush blended to Linear Burn and just above the background is the art stroke.

Clipping the second photo to the ripped paper mask and using a solid color overlay with a color taken from the light house stamp and reduced opacity and blended to Screen clipped it to the photo along with the word art transfer. I attached it to the page with a button thread.

After bringing in the tropical flower from the kit, I desaturated it, resized it, and placed it next to the flowers that are imprinted in the transfer towards to top right side of the page. There is also a brush from the kit in the upper right corner of the page.

Using the sand dollar element and duplicating it a couple more times, rotating and resizing and adding small drop shadows, placing one over the hand stitched element at the bottom left.

Typing out the title, duplicating it and recoloring the bottom title from the boat and moving it slightly down and to the right. Both layers had the Blend Ifs used on them and blended to Linear Burn. The quote was typed out and a stroke put around it. Underneath I created another rectangle and filled it with white and used a vellum action on it. I reduced the opacity a little more. I finished the page by clipping the cool glow to the main photo and blending to Vivid Light and reducing the opacity and adding the sparkle edge just above the background layer.
Love the photo treatment and the blue that creates that feeling of being under water. Fantastic page!
J'adore cette mise en page pour traduire ce sentiment.
Magnifique page et couleurs.
Oh my goodness! I'm totally in love! The colors and the textures sand the lighthouse in the back...all gorgeous!
This image is so compelling, maybe it is the asymmetry. I came across something in my Headspace app with a similar message and it struck me as profoundly as this does, to the effect that the challenge is to live each day with total freedom, as though days will go on forever, balanced with the gratitude and knowledge that each day could be the last. Only those of us who are seasoned by time can grasp the enormity of this challenge...it's what I see reflected in this work. Bravo!
absolutely adore everything, especially how you've buried the clock in the sand. amazing art.
Une faon romantique de traduire le temps qui passe, j'aime beaucoup cette vieille coque et cette page marine.

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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