This photo of rain on the driveway just seemed to sum up my feelings.
-background: Pale Backgrounds by Foxeysquirrel
-gesso: Gesso and Lace by Foxeysquirrel
-fragment: Fancy Words by Foxeysquirrel
-ribbon: Happy Easter, pack Elements 1 by Florju Designs
-mask: Oscraps Collab Good Times
-alpha: Altered Cutouts Alpha by Maya de Groot
fonts: Sketch Block, Chiller, HarlowD, Memorandum, Dry Goods Rustic JL
I duplicated and reversed the left side of the photo with a feathered edge and merged the two parts. I used a mask to delete some of the right side and used a hard light blend mode. I duplicated the photo and did a find all edge filter to create a black and white sketch, increased the contrast and used a multiply blend. Duplicated that layer.