


I loved the design so much, I scrap lifted from Clin Doeil Scrap.
http://www.clindoeilartistic.fr/juste-parfaite/ And it looks like I am building a book of quotes for myself.

Quote: Look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else. Tom Stoppard

I wanted to achieve a look to the photo that could be seen as either dawn or dusk . . . or an ending or beginning.

ArtsyTransfers HeathArtsyTransfersHeath
ArtPlay Palette HeathArtPlayPaletteheath
Trees No. 4TreesNo.4
Inspire WordART Mix No. 1InspireWordARTMixNo.1
Take Flight No. 2TakeFlightNo.2
Splatters No. 1SplattersNo.1
LightLeaks No. 3LightLeaksNo.3
Photo: MorgueFile
Font: Tom

Notes: Starting with artsy paper 5, I drew out a circle with the Shape Tool and clipped the photo to it and put the shape on Color Burn. I duplicated the photo and put the copy on Screen blend mode. Underneath the photo I placed the trees, enlarging just a little bit to span across the page.

Over the photo clipping set I brought in an artsy transfer in a group and kept the layers I wanted and adding a layer mask where the sharp edges needed to be softened. Over these layers I placed two light leaks, one on Darker Color and the other on Overlay blend modes.

Creating a circle with the Shape Tool for a text path set on stroke and no fill, I then typed out the quote, centering they way I wanted. Bringing in the word art for the title, I clipped a paper to it and put it on Color Burn. I added the pinstripe stamp over it.

Heading up the layers panel I added the FotoBlendz Overlay and clipped artsy paper 1 to it and put the mask on Overlay. Then taking another AT, I dusted the bits and pieces over and under the photo clipping set. I also used brushes from the kit the flesh out the edges of the tree line.

Adding the birds, giving the photo circle an inner shadow and adding the charm finished the page.
Wonderful use of the circle and I really like the added birds and the work with wood word. Lovely!

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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