
Challenge 3_Style_ArtJournal_Without A Memory

Challenge 3_Style_ArtJournal_Without A Memory

I LOVE this challenge! I'm enrolled in Jana Oliveira's 2 Worlds Digital Art school, and my personal goal this year is to get comfortable doing art journal pages. I too, have difficulty coming up with ideas, so spend time in Pinterest or Somerset's Art Journal magazine (even though it is all about 3D art journaling, I still get ideas). And that is what this page is...trying to do in digital what Dina Wakley did in 3D (a 2009 magazine!).

Brushes by NBK
Joyful Heart Designs: Hello There-Wing sticker
Art guidence by Jana Oliveria
This is gorgeous Sharron! I would say that AJ pages are going to be a lot easier for you to do now. This one turned out beautiful!
Sharron i love this !!! Very nice how the journaling is written in waves !
And i also want to do this more, it's so much fun when you are ready, no rules just play ;)

Thank you for playing with me.
Excellent. I love the set of dots. I was thinking about why this type of page can be so intimidating. One thing is it's called "art" journaling and once you label something it seems like it has to be that but what if was called illustrated personal musings? I feel less pressure with that. I have other thoughts, too :)
I love "illustrated personal musings." I will PM you about "fear of art journaling."

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