
Click, Smile!

Click, Smile!

***NEW*** today Click A Love Collection by Kitty Designs
Font: Traveling Typewriter
Journaling reads:
Last year for your birthday we got you a cute little pink camera. You had been asking for one for months and finally we decided to buy it for you. I thought this would be just a new shiny toy that you would play with for a couple of days and then forget about. But this didnt happen. You took all kinds of pictures everywhere you went and some of them were quite good in spite of it being just a toy camera. Soon we realized that this was not just a passing thing, and you would need a better camera. We havent been able to get a nicer newer camera but weve been letting you take pictures with our little Olympus. You have been enjoying your hobby so much. I love looking through the pictures after you are done. Some of them are funny like taking pictures of your feet or your sisters nose and some of them are almost artistic like the natural pictures of butterflies and worms that you take outside. I dont know where this hobby will take you but you are a natural born photographer.
This is so adorable! I was thinking about getting a camera for my cousins for Christmas last year. Maybe I should do it this year. I hope you scrap with her photos too!! :D

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