

Change is beautiful

  • Media owner margje
  • Date added
ArtsyTransfers Hinterland *Coming soon*
Also used:
ArtPlay Palette Hinterland http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Hinterland.html
ArtPlay Palette Harvest http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Harvest.html
PaintedLeaves No. 2 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/PaintedLeaves-No.-2.html
ScriptTease Fall No. 1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ScriptTease-Fall-No.-1.html
ScriptTease Fall No. 2 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ScriptTease-Fall-No.-2.html
MultiMedia Branches No. 1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/MultiMedia-Branches-No.-1.html
FotoGlow Mix No. 2 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/FotoGlow-Mix-No.-2.html
Autumn WordART Mix No. 1 http://www.oscraps.com/shop/Autumn-WordART-Mix-No.-1.html
All Anna Aspnes

I made my photo look artistic with the Artistic filters in Photoshop and with Topaz Impression.
I place the photo in a new document.
I placed all the transfers and brushes (some were blended in with layermasks so I could use only parts of them). Some were duplicated and set to another Blendmode for more color and texture effects.
I placed all the elements and the WordArt. Also with the help of layermasks.
I used some glows in different Blendmodes.
I placed a colored paper on top of the layers in Multiply Blendmode and set the opacity to 60%.
I merged the layers and did some Dodge and Burn work.
Not only "Change" is beautiful, but your LO also!! Love all the textures and the little details all over the page. There is a lot to see,very impressive!
this is lovely, she's like a woodland goddess emerging from the leaves! beautiful color too
Stunning. I don't think I've ever seen a photo treated with Topaz I didn't like. I may have to save my pennies for that.
Sharron, Topaz is wonderful! But believe me I never go for a one click result! You still have to tweak and blend to get a good result! I often use the Artistic filters in photoshop also!
Love the contrast of her smooth skin against the textural elements.
The photo treatment is gorgeous! Love all the elements you used to enhance her portrait.

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Anna Aspnes
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