
Challenge 5: Purse

Challenge 5: Purse

Background paper - Keen on Kraft by Maya de Groot
Alpha - Random Alpha No. 3 by Sue Cummings
Elements - 52 Inspirations :: 2011 {Basics} by Sue Cummings and Vicki Stegall
Font - LD Jacob

The challenge at Oscraps was to make a layout about 7 things in your purse. Since I never use a handbag I thought I wasn't going to be able to make a layout. But then I came to think of that old purse I've got. I bought it when I was expecting John, that is 1997. The idea was that I wanted a bag that was big enought to fit a diaper or two and other things you might need. The purse looks good, but it's so big and to much to carry. Most of the time it's just laying there in the closet. But: isn't it a fun idea to make a layout about what's hiding in a handbag that hasn't been used for a long time? I took it out of the closet, took a photo and started to pick out the content to take another photo. Normal stuff: comb, napkins, lip balm, nail files, pen and a tin with a sanitary pad. A little bit more unusual: a carpet knife, a shoehorn, one pill of Lactrase [for lactose intolerance] and three bags of salt. But the best find of them all: in one of the smaller compartments closed with a zipper were our wedding rings!!! We've been searching for them like crazy and was beginning to think they've gotten lost in the move. But today, after 2 1/2 years, there they were. I've looked in the purse before, but clearly not careful enough. Thank you Oscraps for forcing me to look through my old purse!!!
Oh Eva what an awesome story!! Of that is just amazing, I am so happy you found your rings!!
Ack, how awful to think you had lost them...I NEVER take mine off...NEVER!

Great page!!
what a find Eva, aren't you happy we pushed you into finding a bag. I'm so pleased for you.I wonder why there was a shoehorn in there and 3 bags of salt too??
Love this true story Eva, and so glad you've found your rings !!!
But I laught when I see the shoehorn !!!
What a story for the challenge! So glad it happened and you found the rings. Definitely need this page as a memento.
What a great find- love your layout and your journaling- thanks for translating!

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