
OMGosh, Amy! I love this beautiful, colorful, page. Such an adorable photo of you and your doggie, and I love the elements you've chosen, your placement, and . . . just everything. A STANDING O from me!
Betty Jo!! Thank you so much!! That means the world!
It truly jumped right out at me the moment I opened the gallery, Amy. I love color, and especially all the vibrant colors, papers and elements, you brought together here. ♥
It truly jumped right out at me the moment I opened the gallery, Amy. I love color, and especially all the vibrant colors, papers and elements, you brought together here. ♥
I love bold as well. If you give me the exact same color palette in pastels, I won't have a clue what to do with it! :giggle4:
This amazing page caught my eye in the gallery! I love the wonderful photo of you and your fur baby! I love the blended background paper with all the amazing pops of color! I also love your title work!
That's such a gorgeous photo. I love all the bits of coloured papers. Beautiful and congrats on the Standing O.
Congratulaltions on the Standing O it is well deserved for this colorful fun page of love. So much to look at here. So sorry for your loss now treasure the memories.
This grabbed be right Out of gallery with it's Outrageously 'Owesome' photo that just screams love and the love gets the O as much as the O-mazing colors. It's realyy just so incredibly beautiful.
This is MADE of awesome sauce, Amy!!! :love::love::love: What a wonderful happy and bright way to remember your sweet boy :hug2::heartpumplove: I love how you mixed in Erin's collection and the site collab! :beatingheart::heartpumpred::beatingheart:

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Challenge 4
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Oscraps Collab Kits, Joyful Heart Designs, Oscraps Cheery O's,

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89.9 KB
800px x 800px

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