
Cape Escape 042

Cape Escape 042

This is the last page of my Family Vacation 2024 album, now out for printing, the first of the four I will eventually need for Christmas gifting. It's a test run, on a 50% discount. It took about two months to get to this point. Forty-two pages with full journaling and no meltdowns. Not too shabby.

On reflection, I'd definitely use the batching process again when constructing a large album on a deadline. Having the freedom to throw photos at pages without ditzing around with visual details allowed me to stay focused on the story and the chronology and kept me from becoming bored or bogged down. I also found that when I went back to construct the visual details, it was more of a treat than an obligation, because I knew I was making progress overall even if I was dithering over a cluster or texture. And sticking to the combo of two template albums—FotoInspired and the Scenic Template albums—made the spreads speed along without having to worry about transitions among pages, although I had to tweak just about every template to suit my photos.

The downside? Of course there is one. I am temporarily burned out from moving at such a fast pace, and, physically, my eyes have been complaining (I work on a 17-inch laptop). But I'm happy to pay this price for a gift that I know will be treasured by my family members forever. Would I do it again just this way? You betcha!
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Reactions: isDK and NAdams
Absolutely stunning!!!! What a treasure of a gift you have created. I had a blast going along the journey with your family. Such wonderful photos. I too use a laptop and totally understand the tired eyes. Was worth the work though as they pages are amazing.
I'm amazed that you had so many photos to work with! What a labor of love, and so well done. I had to downsize to a 15" laptop---boy do I miss my 17". I would love to work on an even larger screen.
A wonderful adventure! I love that you share your journey- the journaling is heartfelt and detailed.
Absolutely stunning!!!! What a treasure of a gift you have created. I had a blast going along the journey with your family. Such wonderful photos. I too use a laptop and totally understand the tired eyes. Was worth the work though as they pages are amazing.
Thanks! And thanks for following along on the adventure! It sure felt good to get the first one out for the test-print. Now as long as they don't oversaturate the pages.... It won't feel done until everything is gift-wrapped, I fear!
I'm amazed that you had so many photos to work with! What a labor of love, and so well done. I had to downsize to a 15" laptop---boy do I miss my 17". I would love to work on an even larger screen.
With 700+ photos and videos, I could easily have added more pages but I was desperate to not exceed 50. So I curated pretty carefully. I was working on a 15-incher and when that blew, found that the 17-incher was actually less expensive, so I went with that. So glad I did!
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Reactions: AZK
A fantastic project and so exciting to be getting to the last page! A wonderful keepsake for the whole family!! Your framed photo really put a smile on my face - fabulous!!
A fantastic project and so exciting to be getting to the last page! A wonderful keepsake for the whole family!! Your framed photo really put a smile on my face - fabulous!!
Thanks! Definitely a marathon project, and now I am looking forward to a big exhale and then diving into something completely different LOL
Well, what a marvelous adventure - seemed like it was weeks long - you really packed it in! Ah, nothing like an east coast sand bar - we don't get those in the Pacific. Love the grands photo...well done!

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Anna Aspnes
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210.4 KB
Date taken
Wed, 14 August 2024 12:21 PM
648px x 648px

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