


ArtsyTransfers HalcyonArtsyTransfersHalcyon
ArtPlay Palette HalcyonArtPlayPaletteHalcyon
Halcyon WordART Mix No. 1HalcyonWordARTMixNo.1
PaperTextures No. 6PaperTexturesNo.6
ArtsyStains No. 11ArtsyStainsNo.11
TissueTextures No. 6TissueTexturesNo.6

Notes: Starting with solid paper 2 and using a Hue/Saturation adjustment layer to change the color just a little bit. Bringing in the photo and using a layer mask and the Gradient Tool, I blended the photo into the paper.

Underneath the photo layer, and peeking out the top of the photo, I placed the artsytransfer 2 and flipped it vertically. Using the Gradient Tool once again to blend in the harsh edge of the transfer into the background. Its an easy and fast way to do that.

I slipped the word art in-between these layer and used a glitter style on it and using an AnnaBlendz brush, brushed away the bottom of the word art.

In the sky I used paper textures, tissue textures, stains and art stroke and the word art transfer, all over the artsy transfer. I used the Blend Ifs on the word transfer and artsy stains. That finished the page.

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Anna Aspnes
Added by
Barbara Houston
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