
Boy's Best Friend

Boy's Best Friend

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This page is one side of a double-page layout:


Everything (papers, elements, and chalk alpha) from Bloom of Colours kit by Val C. Designs

Journaling reads:

In the brief 2 weeks that we stayed at Ouma and Oupa's house in Pretoria, South Africa,
Neill has found a friend in little Muffin, Ouma's 4-month-old Yorkshire Terrier.

Both were at first awkward playing together.
Sometimes the boy was too rough with the dog, other times the dog was too loud for the boy.

But they worked out their differences soon enough.
By the time we had to leave, they were the best of friends and tears were flowing freely when they said their goodbyes.

Ouma told us later that Muffin sat at the gate for days, waiting for us to come back.
And, of course, Neill has been begging to have his own dog ever since.
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