I love this photograph even although the photographer cut the top of the heads off my Mum, Aunt and Granny...the boys are my Uncle and cousin Billy. Billy adopted me as his kid sister and that meant the kind of teasing usually reserved for family only but I survived and miss the cheeky chap now that he is no longer with us.
I began with the photo and experimented with different Artsy papers behind finally settling on two - AP Bravura with AP Bouquet on top with 71% fill. I originally had the photograph much smaller and in a frame but just wasn't feeling it so stepped away from it yesterday and when I had another look today, deleted the frame and increased the size and knew immediately it was much better. The photo is masked, duplicated, both layers Hard light 73% opacity. larger photo is Linear Light 26%. Added another transfer, lace flowers and some confetti - done!