my son is very sensitive, extroverted, easily excitable, quick tempered too and has a distinctive feeling of justice. not always a successful combination.
so we are often talking about to find a balance between authenticity and composure or to keep cool in situations, which are difficult for him.
one issue that has been with us for a while and that will be with us for some time to come (sigh).
credits used
app reflection, tinge, squash, artsy, roots
painted multifoto template no 7
12x12 fotoblendz no 7
artsykardz: sozial network, bask
warm glows no 1
warm glows no 5
cold glows no 1
urban treadz no 5
loop da loop artstrokes no 3
karla dudley:
alpha essential5, sidewalk dirtier,
tall man, just be you elements