
Because I Love You

Because I Love You

  • bbe
10 things to tell your daughter (because you love her)
1. Love is going to kick your ass before it helps you up.
2. Not every man who says he loves you will mean it in fact, most wont.
3. The first time you think youre in love, you probably arent. (Sorry!)
4. If he doesnt know what he has, dont wait around for him to realize it.
5. Marry the man who loves you as much as he loves his mother.
6. If you dont respect yourself, he wont respect you.
7. Sex can wait, but one day (like when youre older and married) it will be important. Handle it with care.
8. If a friends dating life is a hot mess, shes not the one to take advice from ever!
9. If he loves you hell want the best for you even if it means he loses.
10. If he asks you to marry him and you feel any hesitation before you answer, say no.
Marriage is a lifelong commitment and no man should rush you to it.

AASPN - ArtPlay Palette Sophistica
ScriptTease Love No. 1

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