

Be Yourself

  • Media owner beszteri
  • Date added
Creating process:

Well, I'm starting to use the beautiful artsy papers. These are my favourites, but earlier I had no enough courage to try to play with them (I had the fear, I'll worse them - they are so perfect in their original state)
1. an artsy paper was selected as the foundation of the page
2. to make the colors more richer a 'New smart object via copy' was created - its layer style is Soft Light
3. some artsy overlays and brushes were placed on the paper - the lace layer's blending mode is Darken (it makes an effect as if the lace would be under the branch - although the brach was a part of the paper)
4. the photo and some realistic stitches were placed
5. and as the final step the quote was placed

Thanks for looking!
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
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Reactions: ksacry
I don't think there is anything you could do that would make an artsy paper look worse. They are perfect for your style. Wonderful page, E!
This paper is perfect for your layout! I love the vertical design, leading my eye from top to bottom with all of that gorgeous white space!

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Anna Aspnes
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