
AnnaLift 5/23/15 - 5/29/15-if it looks like a duck..
pam p

AnnaLift 5/23/15 - 5/29/15-if it looks like a duck..

So,I was teaching great granddaughter a song... then it lead to this page... funny,huh?

multi-media umbrellas 1
APP beautiful day frame
APP beach paper
taped textures 2
light leaks 1
and a couple other Anna brushes that I didn't list
a wonderful crop, perfectly elemented (not sure if this is a word, what I mean is, the umbrella is perfect :)).
what a wonderful crop on this photo. i am sure the duck would love the umbrella you've provided :)
Oh Pam - you are so like me! Hahaha yeah I sometimes wonder quite how to explain the inspiration for making a page! This is perfect as usual.

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Anna Aspnes
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pam p
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