

AnnaColor Challenge 11.20.2015 - Satsuma Season

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AnnaColor Challenge 11.20.2015 - Satsuma Season

Anna Aspnes Credits:
ArtPlay Gather In Peace Paper, Branch, Overlay, Splatter, Transfer, Charm
Travel Template Album No. 1 threadz
ArtPlay My Camera Brush, ribbon
ArtsyTransfers Gentle Morning

When we were early for an appointment with Fred, we would check out the cheese section at Whole Foods. As we made our way to the truffle chevre, what impressed me most was the display of satsumas.

Added note:
I took the photo of the fruit in the store on my phone and worked it into a fruit crate style. The hard part was thinking of something to put on the banner to make it look important. :)
this is beautiful using the packaging of the oranges (which I have never heard of) love the charm - awesome!
We used to have a little satsuma tree in our backyard in CA, it produced the best fruit!
what a great idea making the orange photo into a crate label. love your layout too.
LOL! Love your "important" label! That's just the sort of thing that would drive me bananas.... This is such a cool spread, down to the fruit-crate style. Bravo!
very fun title/banner/crate! and the background reminds me of brown paper bags :-) I actually marvel at how much effort stores put into the marketing of food with creative displays. Whole Foods is a feast for the eyes!
your label is great. very compatible with the Whole Foods style. terrific page for the challenge.
I made my first visit to a whole foods couple of weeks ago................the place is a photographer's dream! Love that you did create a page using a photo! Very lovely!

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Anna Aspnes
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