
AnnaColor Challenge 07.10.2020 - The 2020 Tumultuous Summer

AnnaColor Challenge 07.10.2020 - The 2020 Tumultuous Summer

AnnaColor Challenge 07.10.2020 - The 2020 Tumultuous Summer

"If this part of the graph meant we need to close the schools.
Its tough to see how this part of the graph means lets re-open them"

aA APP Euphoria (paper, transfer), arrow, stitchez, splatter
photos: Jill Wellington (flower) pngwave (whiskey)
graph: The Lincoln Project on Twitter

Trump wasn't doing well. People were furious about his poor response to the pandemic, and there was a long fight about kids going back to school. First we watched the number of new cases each day rise, and then the number of deaths. It was the least fun summer ever for people but there were flowers.

About the happy colors: My coping skill is to remind myself that about half of the US voters picked this guy and there's not a thing I can do but be a good sport, at least until I'm a victim of the virus. It's not funny but it's absurd.
I don't understand Trump at all, I don't think America has ever had such a bad and indecent president, how horrible, how he copes with the pandemic is very sad. Your page have luckely very beautiful colors and texture, but I understand your frustration about Trump very much.
the cheerful colours are in a huge contrast to your journeling and feelings. the situation in usa seems to be desperate.
i hope deeply, that there will be very soon a suitable vaccine. for all of us.
I had been hoping that citizens of other countries were not paying attention to our troubles but after reading nia and marleen's posts it is embarrassing - Nov cant come soon enough - love the page - that is what I am doing looking for the beauty
Totally understand how colors effect our emotions. I am past ambivalence, despair and disgustI am ready to fight for decency and democracy.
Well stated! The virus is beginning to show up in young children. Opening schools is definitely going to be a challenge. It's too bad this tragedy has been politicized. On the flip side, love your bright colors and gorgeous flower!
Your gorgeous colors are a huge contrast to the devastation that is overtaking our country--will November come soon enough and will it bring the change we need??
After looking at the Federal Gestapo-like tactics used on protesters in Portland--which really hit the news this morning--I have shivers up my spine. What a mess our country is. (I've been enjoying bright colors, too.)
I can so understand how you feel. I do love your page, the flowers and colors. I hope November will give you good changes!
I can also understand how you are feeling. Everything he does and decides goes against all common sense. Keeping my fingers crossed for a change in November. Wonderful layout.
Yes, at least there were flowers!!! I'm hoping for a change!!!!!!! Beautiful page!

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