


For the AnnaLift - I love using journals.
I started with Scenic Template 12 Page 9 on the left, placing the Frames on the right. Photo clipped to FotoBlendz, then another copy of the photo added in Color Dodge mode to brighten the flowers in the foreground.
Added another FotoBlendz and photo on the right, this time with a second copy in Overlay Mode (plus a Levels Adjustment).
I had a hard edge , so added stitches and an Easy Torn Edge. Stitches are in Color Burn mode.
I removed most of the mask of the Easy Torn Edge, then added some color brush work to the torn edge, again in Color Burn Mode.
Then I added the journal behind all this (and on top of a background from ArtPlay Palette Bask).
Added another small journal from ArtPlay Eudamonia.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Oh my word,those colors are stunning. I love journals too.I have made a lot of mine as gifts to encourage others to put them to use. Love the image with the stitchez.
WOW! I want this on my wall, and I'm not a big fan of orange, but this is just jaw-droppingly stunning. Very creative take on the lift. You got two books in there and I can't even manage one yet. And love the color added to the torn edge.
Wow, what a gorgeous, vibrant layout! The many shades of yellow and orange give the page so much beautiful depth. All these brilliant colors make a spectacular journal page.

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Anna Aspnes
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File size
148.1 KB
800px x 494px

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