
pam p


  • Media owner pam p
  • Date added
For this page,I was inspired by a page by Veer,that used mm documents.From there,I created this page of beautiful trees,one of my favorite subjects.
process: I started with an ap for the base and 3 images. The image on the right was clipped to a fb,then copied and same image was extracted using shadow and flipped horizontally.For the colored image,I used inverted mask and for the final image on the left,I extracted it and placed a shadow with that.I used the mm documents,mm melancholy and mm trees.On top of the ap,I placed AT,some layers deleted. I used a word element from the app,wordART and brushes for the birds.It all started with inspiration! images from adobe stock
https://oscraps.com/community/media/grateful-heart.403685/-veer's page
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
all the poetry of winter! and its lights at different times of day!
A lovely book of lovely trees - wonderful processes to create the effects! That pinkish glow is fabulous! And I love what MM documents can do!
Love the light in those photos. Contre-Jour isn't always easy to do. Love your design.
Gorgeous trees, love the light that glows through the branches. Love the framing and silhouette of the majestic trees!
Those are some gorgeous bare trees. I also love them. Great textures and use of the glows and mm elements for a beautiful layout!
I recognized my design :yesss:
But we have 1 thing in common, I also love trees very much!
And I think your design is much more beautiful than mine! I love the little birds in the sky, and the trees are magical !
I recognized my design :yesss:
But we have 1 thing in common, I also love trees very much!
And I think your design is much more beautiful than mine! I love the little birds in the sky, and the trees are magical !
I’m thrilled that you enjoy trees too. For me they are one of nature’s true works of art. Thanks for the inspiration and lovely comments..oh and thank you for sharing your beautiful art.

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
pam p
Date added
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File size
167.1 KB
800px x 800px

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