
pam p


  • Media owner pam p
  • Date added
We are having this kind of weather..blowing,very cold and snow accumlation tonight predicted.
When I was out and about this am,it was all the above.. winter is here.

process: I started with an ap from the app and clipped my image to a fb,reduced opacity. I layered another image to the right of that and clipped it to a fotoblendz from the template album.I then placed silver paint over the photo for more texture.I layered several transfers beneath the photos,all reduced opacity. I placed the snowflake beneath the mm and applied drop shadows to both.I then placed a transfer on top of the ap for texture at the top of the page. I placed the wordARTClusters and changed the color of the flower to white.The torn frame was recolored to white and placed within the layers. tfl. image from adobe stock
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
The winter scene is truly lovely (from inside where it's warm)! We'll be getting the same weather, and I hope to get some great winter/snow photos. I love the soft photo image in the shapes.
Beautiful blend work and wintery scene depicted. That torn frame edge on the couple walking is wonderful. This really gives the cold and wintery feel with that soft blending! Well done! Thanks for the info on the "How to" :)
I want to complain about the cold weather we are having, but then I watch the news and think, well, at least we don't have ice and snow. This is a great page to represent this.
Dang, that's gorgeous!! I wouldn't want to be there, but it sure looks pretty!!
Gorgeous layout and love the photo/fotoblendz treatments and subtle blue colors.
Congratulations on the GSO - its a beautiful wintry scene you have created - beautiful!
What a gorgeous layout-the effect of multiple subtle layers really appeals to me. Congrats on your GSO!

Layout information

Anna Aspnes
Added by
pam p
Date added
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File size
88.6 KB
800px x 800px

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