Another view from Terranea, a coastal area (and resort) just south of the peninsula which closes off our Santa Monica Bay where we live.
This is Page 2 of the NEW Scenic Template Album - similar process: I bring in all layers, resize for 8x10, then duplicate and flip the main FotoMask to cover the photo, which at full size takes up 3/4 of the page. To get the photo to cover the whole page, I don't want to stratch it, which would lose some of the top and bottom, so I make copies under the main clipped layer and slide them out to the edges, the use a mask and eras on the main photo to blur any lines.
Duplicated and colored stains, clipped photos and Artsy Kardz to the frames, embellished.
There is a Fortuna Transfer over the left side of the photo in Overlay Mode to brighten it.