
pam p


  • Media owner pam p
  • Date added
Artplay Anaphora Collection on sale now

Image of my latest jig-saw puzzle.
process: I used app artsy paper 4 layered over artsy paper 3 with blend mode set to multiply.I duplicated my image and clipped to mask of frame on top, another copy was changed to b/w and clipped to frame mask layer on bottom.A third copy was clipped to mlfb and finally a copy was blended at the left border with reduced opacity.I found a title that worked, and placed it on my page,and completed with a mm flower psd, with the button color enhanced to match the blues in my image a little better.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
Oh how fun and creative! I went through quite a jigsaw puzzle phase during the pandemic, every one of them documented on a scrapbook page ;-) I love those sprinklez!
wonderful flow that stretches across the page.
I wonder how long you sat on this puzzle until it was finished?
wonderful flow that stretches across the page.
I wonder how long you sat on this puzzle until it was finished?
I worked many days, visiting the table throughout the day when I had a few minutes. Thanks for your nice comments.
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Anna Aspnes
Added by
pam p
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519.1 KB
1000px x 1000px

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