


  • Media owner Joansmor
  • Date added
Inspiration – When I am going to use a scenic template, I love to go to my Lightroom and look over some of my best landscape photos. This time I took one from a trip to the mountains this winter.
Start- Scenic Template 9.1. I turned a couple of layers off and added color to a few others using Edit fill.
Paper – Placed Solid Paper 2 from APP Among Friends above the background layer.
Photo – My focal photo was attached to the mask layer using Layer, Create Clipping Mask. Another picture was attached to the mask layer of the frame in the same way.
Elements – Used camera 3, the brown flower, brad 4 above the flower, and the white and blue strings. To complete the cluster, I added a word transfer to link the cluster to the title. I added a flower from Multimedia Spring.
Adjustments – I added a diamond gradient above the paper and clipped a pattern I made with a surf picture to the gradient to encapsulate the photos and to add a bit of the sea to background.
Title – Used wordart Through my Eyes as a title.
Brush – put under the title and elements.
Journal – Don’t let people pull you into their storms. Pull them into your peace. Getting up early to take photos of the sunrise is a favorite thing for me to do. I especially love to drive to the beach to capture the combination of sunrise and surf. Every sunrise is different. And the colors change as the sun gets closer to the horizon and rise above. This is no one snap and go situation.
Sunrises fill me with joy and serenity. When you start your day with a sunrise you start it with a smile in your heart. So, then you are ready to face your day.
Credits list
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Anna Aspnes
  • Love
Reactions: zlemon and ksacry
Love your layout! The use of the flower low and the cluster high, gives the page great flow. Gorgeous photos!
Fabulous collection of pictures! Love the colors you’ve captured and the bright design in the layout.

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Anna Aspnes
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254.7 KB
Date taken
Wed, 22 March 2023 10:51 AM
1000px x 1000px

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