
Always Remembered

Always Remembered

Always remembered is a layout for Challenge #5 on ADSR.

Journaling: I remember it like it was yesterday, but decades have past. There is no need for photos to jog the memory. I cant remember the presents but I can see that long car ride clearly. It started innocent enough looking for a certain toy of moms in the forbidden closets. We began to rummage through clothes, boxes, and sacks. When what to our wondering eyes should appear, but a checker set, just like the one requested from Santa. Could it be? There were more mysterious shopping bags stacked in the secret hide out. We had discovered Santa. The days passed and we managed to keep our lips sealed about our discovery. Christmas Eve had arrived and we had only a few hours to the unveiling. Driving home from church, our covert operation began to unravel. We begged our mom to let us unwrap our presents early. She teased us that there were no presents, when my sister retorted, Yes there is! We found them last week. It was like watching a train wreck as she told her everything. Mom was angry and threatened us that there would be no Christmas. We both feared the consequences. In the end, after a long wait and a lot of sweating, we got our presents and this would be a Christmas we would never forget. NEVER!

Materials: Paint the Moons Spiced Apple paper and ribbon, A Perfect Day frames, Vicki Stegalls Bella Noel ribbon and element, Taylormade Shine On tree, and Jodie McNallys Remembering You.
une page vraiment originale !!
je n'ai pas compris tout le journaling car je ne connais pas bien l'anglais, mais je trouve cette page vraiment spciale et certainement un souvenir que vous souhaitez garder dans votre coeur ..... bravo !
Fantastic story!!!! What a great memory to scrap! Perfect for the challenge. Great job!

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