
Always Alive, 1903

Always Alive, 1903

The Mojave lived alongside the banks of the Colorado River,which represented the center of their universe.The Mojave were adept agriculturists,having mastered complex methods of irrigation to grow crops of beans,corn and pumpkins.They also practiced fishing and trapped small animals on the riverbank,including rabbits,skunks and beavers,from which they fashioned what little clothing they needed.The men would normally spend their days in the nude,while the women would wear beaver and rabbit skins.Although their bodies were free of clothes, the Mojave often adorned themselves with extensive blue cactus ink tattoos,which had different meanings, i.e., slaves were identified by their chin tattoos.The Mojave were sedentary,but their homes were rather simple in their construction,being made of upright logs covered with brush.Mojave funerals were highly spiritual proceedings.(Picture: Mojave native, 1903)- Kits:Legend Hunter (Creative Victorian Designs),Zestan Nostalgiezny (flowers)by Jolagg.
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