
Alpha Dad

Alpha Dad


Fotoblendz--Wild Autumn Fotoblendz 1: http://www.oscraps.com/shop/Wild-Autumn-FotoBlendz-No.-1.html
Paper, transfers, overlays, artstrokesInclement Artplay Palette: http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Inclement.html
ButtonEmbrace Life Artplay Palette: http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Embrace-Life.html
WoodWordDocument Artplay Palette: http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Document.html
Brushes: Old World Artplay Palette: http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Old-World.html and
Remarkable Artplay Palette: http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-Palette-Remarkable.html
PhotoGlowHonor Mini-Artplay Palette: http://www.oscraps.com/shop/ArtPlay-MiniPalette-Honor.html
LightLeakLightLeaks No. 3: http://www.oscraps.com/shop/LightLeaks-No.-3.html
Fish printCopyright-free vintage print

For this collage I used a Fotoblendz for my focal photo and then another Fotoblendz for the second photo, which I duplicated twiceI'll be talking about how to create a collage with Fotoblendz on the aA blog later this month. I arranged the images in a band design at the top of the page, juggling the layers to get the images to the size and location I liked. I then created a school of fish on the bottom of the page, using an extraction of a vintage fish print and duplicating it several times; I used an extraction of another photo to create the fish-rider. I added transfers, overlays, and the artstrokes, then added texture with the brushes. The story came next, and the title. I added the embellishments and finished with a Fotoglow to highlight the biggest fish and a light leak to give a gentle wash of color to the page. The last step was to frame the page with black.
WOW. Although I'm sorry you had that kind of childhood, it is refreshing for me to read. It seems like 99% of the scrapped pages are about how wonderful Dad was...what a great childhood, etc. I can't identify with them. I CAN identify with this. Bravo for your honesty. And, BTW, it is an amazing page from the point of view of digital design. Whew!
agree...very refreshing as well as a vibrant and dynamic design. those fish are awesome!
Great page. I too can relate. Maybe three repetitions of him is not quite enough. LOL Love the fish!
Poignant page... seems Dad's are on our minds today. This proves that we can see other's faults and make our own personal adjustments to a better life.
Quite a different perspective then most "dad" pages. I do think that men from that time were brought up so differently than now. Love your page design. Very telling that you are all in the background while your father and the fish take center stage.
Wonderful page design and honest journaling. Very often when we scrap we want to paint a rosy picture of life, when in reality, it sucks. I cut the image of my stepfather out of all my wedding photos. He was a mean and abusive person.
Powerful arrangement of images! I appreciate your journaling...genuine expression of real life. Hugs.
Wonderful poignant journaling, parents have such an impact on our lives! Beautiful page!

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Anna Aspnes
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