ArtPlay Palette Flourish
ArtsyTransfers Flourish
WaterColor FotoBlendz No. 5
WatercolorFeathers No. 2
Flourish WordART No. 1
Artsy Layered Template No. 155
Inspiration My sunrise beaches from Daytona Beach
Start Artsy Layered Template 155
Paper-I placed Solid Paper 1 above the background
Masks I selected Watercolo FotoBlendz 5.3 and 5.6 which I rotated a bit and put on either side of the 3 frames.
Photos I choose 3 photos of the sunrise as it changed color. One I made two copies o f and placed one copy above each of the frame mask and attached to the frame masks using Layer>Create Clipping Layer. I used the same method to attach the other two photos to the fotoblendz masks.
Template- I used Edit>Fill to color the remaining layers of the template to match the colors of the photos.
Journaling I found a paragraph on
Title I used the a wordart Almost Perfect as the title.