
Al Fresco Dining
Bush Girl

Al Fresco Dining

Here's my page about eating outside for the Summer Fever challenge.

Lots and lots of words here, so to avoid the eye strain, here's what I wrote:

I come from a little island stuck out in the middle of the sea off the edge of northern Europe. Although a temperate country, it is frequently cold and wet with long winters and short summers. We can dine outside, but only for a very short part of the year, and one usually requires a jumper to do so comfortably. We do not, for the most part, though, suffer from outdoor beasties like mosquitoes, although the chances of getting a bat in your hair are quite high.

So imagine my joy when for 17 months of our lives we moved into a house on the other side of the world which required us to place our dining table outside as there wasnt room inside. Yes, for the 17 months we lived in Victoria Park Road in Singapore, we ate every single meal outside on the verandah. Being an old style British built black & white house, it had a large verandah, which was very much an extension of the house itself, with bamboo chics (blinds) we could drop when the weather was inclement. I loved it; I loved being outside, feeling the breeze when there was one, the sense of being in a safe cocoon when the chics were dropped enveloping us against the monsoon rain, I loved looking out on our beautiful garden filled with all manner of strange & exotic fruit trees, and listening to a symphony of night time wildlife, bull frogs being the noisiest! And I loved the fact that in Singapore, the mozzies bite in the day time not at night, so one could sit outside all evening in relative safety thankfully we were usually making too much noise to be bothered by snakes & monitor lizards!

And here's my unusually limited stash list:

Template: Anna Aspnes, oscraps.com, Artsy Layered Template 28
All Elements except below: Anna Aspnes, oscraps.com, ArtPlay Palette Lush & ArtsyKardz Lush 6x6
Loop: Anna Aspnes, oscraps.com, Jazzed Up Loop Da Loop No 1
Red Brad: Anna Aspnes, oscraps.com, ArtPlay Palette BBQ
Font: Myriad Pro & Arial Narrow

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Bush Girl
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