


Main Word Art: Contradiction fighting for space in my head.

Journaling: My caregiving journey for my mom loaded my brain with incessant loud and tortuous
what ifs
Should I
Shouldn't I
How dare I feel so frustrated
This is my mom
I didn't do enough
I did all I could
And on and on and on and on...
We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God
and take every thought captive to obey Christ
2 Corinthians 5:10

For this loud layout I wanted to emulate the noise and conflicting arguments in my head regarding being my mom's caregiver and the renewing relief received from my walk with God.
The alphas are laid out in a somewhat random even conflicting manner. The Whimsy alpha has some minor color alterations, the black Stamped alpha has color burn blending mode on it, the white stamped alpha is normal. Thanks for looking.

Font: Balehome
You excelled at showing the loud fight that happens in our heads. I feel the chaos of those thoughts. I love the face you added and how it looks overwhelmed yet beautiful. Almost lost in the mind fight yet still pulling through. I love all the fonts and sizes. What a wonderful AJ page and great job showing beauty in chaos. I love that the "on and on and on" goes across the bottom. So feel that and how it feels like the fight in our mind never stops. :heartpumppink:
You excelled at showing the loud fight that happens in our heads. I feel the chaos of those thoughts. I love the face you added and how it looks overwhelmed yet beautiful. Almost lost in the mind fight yet still pulling through. I love all the fonts and sizes. What a wonderful AJ page and great job showing beauty in chaos. I love that the "on and on and on" goes across the bottom. So feel that and how it feels like the fight in our mind never stops. :heartpumppink:
Thank you so very much for your meaningful comments. :lovey3:
Amy, I am new to art journaling and I don’t always see what others see in a particular page until they point it out. But, as a daughter going through that caregiving journey with her own elderly Mom, I can tell you that what I see and feel through your powerful page is the deafening chaos. The what ifs and the should I or shouldn’t I questions are loud and can definitely take up too much space in your head. Mom can’t really help me in making decisions for her care and that is where so much of the uncertainty comes from. I am glad that you have found an outlet for those feelings and I hope you find healing in the process.
oooh wow...so artsy and so perfect! Love your layout!
A wonderful design with all the journaling!

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800px x 800px

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