
Age is just a number - this is me!

Age is just a number - this is me!

Vicky's story could be mine, so that is how I started my journaling. Here is the translation: The calender says 68, but in my head Im 28 or 38. My parents were old at 65, at least through my eyes. But now I passed that age, I see how foolish that was.
Today I know so much more, and with that I dont care so much anymore about a lot of things.
I dont care if you dont approve. I dont care wether you like my clothes, my figure or my hairstyle (short and blond since I stopped letting my grey hair dye darker).
So get used to it! This is me and Im happy to be this person in this moment of my life. Im proud of everything I accomplished and that I learned to let go
When I was younger, I was always insecure, I had to proof myself in every situation. But I dont need that anymore. I dont have to proof myself to the world, and more important not to myself! I know who I am now!
When I was young I was the child of my parents, then I was the wife of someone, and later the mother of 2 little people, but now I am finally allowed to be myself, and I dont have to please anyone anymore.
People who dont like me, still wont like me when I change in behaviour or whatever. No, the people who care about me, and the people I care for, like me as I am, and they dont want me to change. And more important: I dont have to change, I am who I am and that is fine, and it makes me happy to be me.
It took many years to come this far, but here I am and from the bottom of my heart I can say: Age is just a number!
Well, my dear, I think you and I are in the very same place in our lives. I love that you took the time to write out all of those thoughts. They are indeed the same as mine. Its interesting that as we age we realize how little energy we want to devote to things our younger selves placed so much importance on! Thanks for sharing your page! And be sure to link it up to my challenge in the comments on my blog - which is here:

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