


This is my Grandparents, my Mum's parents; I don't know where this was taken but I love the informality of it, my Papa with his cap tilted over his eyes and my Granny sound asleep in his arms - they weren't that kind of lovey dovey couple so this tiny photograph is a bit of a find...and look at the tent in the background!!!

I extracted the figures from the photograph to create more definition duplicating and using hard light mode. The background is clipped to one of the AP brushes then also duplicated a couple of times with bits I didn't want erased, again using hard and soft light for the layers. The top of the tent was cut off in the photograph so that decided the composition at the top of the page. A few of the transfers were layered behind the figures on top of the background photograph then the string and frame layered between. Finally I added the buttons, tape, leaf and the paper word with the text lightened slightly to contrast against the background.

ArtPlay Palette Sage

PaperWords No. 1
This is a glimpse of life that is special! Beautifully put together!
With a tent like that, it certainly was an adventure. I love how you used the simple frame and the green sprig.

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Anna Aspnes
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