

A Visit to the ER

Journaling reads:
I woke up Friday, July 22nd not feeling great. I was in and out of the bathroom most of the day. By the time Mark got home from work, I was ready to go to bed. I had a terrible headache and
was nauseous. Going to bed did not help. I kept getting worse and worse. My chest began to feel such that I thought I might be having a heart attack. So, I got up and had Mark take me to Urgent Care. They said with my symptoms I really needed to go to the ER. So we went to the Thomasville ER.
With chest symptoms I was taken right in and they began checking my heart. Praise the LORD! Nothing was wrong with my heart! They did other testing, plus COVID, Flu A + B and RSV Nasopharyngeal swab of my nose and throat. After everything was said and done, they determined I had COVID-19. The doctor wanted to prescribe an experimental drug. I said no. I asked for ivermectin. He said no. I left not feeling quite so nauseous, but the headache was still horrible! I felt so badly I asked to stay. They said no. They sent me home in the hospital gown because my head couldn’t stand the movement of changing out of it.
A couple of dear friends from church provided me with some ivermectin and recommended a doctor who uses ivermectin to treat COVID. I called him on Monday and got right in. Instead of ivermectin he thought I would do well with hydroxychloroquine. Since I already had some ivermectin in my system, I agreed. The only problem I have had is with having to take so many pills on a touchy IBS digestive system and with much fatigue!
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I'm so glad you are doing better now. That had to have been a horrible experience. Your page is awesome with all the colorful designs and journaling. Sometimes memories aren't the happy kind. ♥
I'm so glad you are doing better now. That had to have been a horrible experience. Your page is awesome with all the colorful designs and journaling. Sometimes memories aren't the happy kind. ♥
You are so right, Betty Jo! Not a happy experience!
I'm glad you're feeling better, what a scary experience that must have been! Love that you scrapped a 'not so great' part of life!
What a great job of scrapping this memory. The page is composed beautifully and the journaling is so detailed. I am so very glad that you feel better!

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Oscraps Cheery O's
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