Created for the ‘These Moments Matter’ Month of Challenges by Pixels, Paper and Paint
- Life in Pictures by Lynn Grieveson and Rachel Jefferies
Creative Prompt 10 – Beautiful mess
In the days when I was still working, and I heard snow was coming, all kinds of alarm bells would immediately go off; how are the roads tomorrow morning, can I get to work on time, is fog predicted or slippery? Especially if I also had on-call duty, I really didn't like it. But now ... at the first signs I get my snowshoes ready in the hallway, get out some nice warm clothes and charge my camera battery. This week, inclement wind cut into my face and the snow crunched under my shoes. Later, the snow was already beginning to melt into a watery and drab goo and the sound changed more to ‘splash-splash’. Is this what the English-speakers call a 'beautiful mess'? It doesn't translate easily.