
911-where were you when the world stopped turning that september morn-web.jpg

911-where were you when the world stopped turning that september morn-web.jpg

The title is the title of an Alan Jackson song.
Journaling reads: I was at my desk in the library getting ready for my 9 am class. The view out my window wasn’t the best I could still see the beautiful blue sky. Kathy, my library assistant was up in the high school library. She called me and told me I needed to turn on the TV because a plane had
flown into the North Tower. I remember her saying, “This is not a joke, you need to turn on the TV. The world became an eerie place and I knew it would never be the same again.
Credits list
Font: Sears Tower
VivaArtistry_Love & Loss_2409
Photos: Pixabay &
Unsplash (holly-riley-tfbTAPPxzdE-unsplash.jpg) (darshan-patel-ieIoBsDB93w-unsplash.jpg)
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Joyful Heart Designs
  2. Viva Artistry
Oh my goodness, Jeanne. What a memory - one that is etched in our minds forever. That's tomorrow - what a somber day. I always take time to reflect every year on 9/11 and we must never forget!! Your layout is perfect with it's somber look and tone. Thank you for sharing this with us. :sad2::sad2:

You used the blenders to perfection - the fireman really stands out and so does the building. Sad, sad day in American history. :sad2: :sad2:

I'm giving your double page layout a Standing O in commemoration of this awful day!
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Oh my goodness, Jeanne. What a memory - one that is etched in our minds forever. That's tomorrow - what a somber day. I always take time to reflect every year on 9/11 and we must never forget!! Your layout is perfect with it's somber look and tone. Thank you for sharing this with us. :sad2::sad2:

You used the blenders to perfection - the fireman really stands out and so does the building. Sad, sad day in American history. :sad2: :sad2:

I'm giving your double page layout a Standing O in commemoration of this awful day!
Same here. Effective composition and journaling on all pages.
Congratulations for the Standing O, Jeanne! Even in Germany, time stood still! And I still remember exactly how this news reached me, albeit with a delay. I was in the office and one of my colleagues shouted, oh my God. Go online and look and pray for the USA! It was pure horror! We know very well what independence and freedom mean for the USA. This act shook the whole world to its core!
Congratulations on the standing O. This is so well deserved. I agree with all the comments above. Stunning. Heartwrenching. You created a very tender precious layout that expresses how we all feel. This needs to be printed and hung on the wall. It needs to be a building mural and displayed world wide. Thank you for this layout.
Oh my goodness, Jeanne. What a memory - one that is etched in our minds forever. That's tomorrow - what a somber day. I always take time to reflect every year on 9/11 and we must never forget!! Your layout is perfect with it's somber look and tone. Thank you for sharing this with us. :sad2::sad2:

You used the blenders to perfection - the fireman really stands out and so does the building. Sad, sad day in American history. :sad2: :sad2:

I'm giving your double page layout a Standing O in commemoration of this awful day
Thank you so much for the Standing O, first time I heard that song I knew it had to be a layout. Draining to work on, but it was something I needed to do.
Congratulations for the Standing O, Jeanne! Even in Germany, time stood still! And I still remember exactly how this news reached me, albeit with a delay. I was in the office and one of my colleagues shouted, oh my God. Go online and look and pray for the USA! It was pure horror! We know very well what independence and freedom mean for the USA. This act shook the whole world to its core!
Thank you so much for all of your heartfelt words, it was a horrifying day, and that feeling of security is gone forever. I just pray people will continue to remember that horrific day.
Congratulations on the standing O. This is so well deserved. I agree with all the comments above. Stunning. Heartwrenching. You created a very tender precious layout that expresses how we all feel. This needs to be printed and hung on the wall. It needs to be a building mural and displayed world wide. Thank you for this layout.
Thank you sweet Twin for your beautiful words, it was draining to work on, but the first time I heard that song this summer I just knew it had to put into a scrapbook page. Your words mean the world to me, that layout was draining.
Thank you so much for the Standing O, first time I heard that song I knew it had to be a layout. Draining to work on, but it was something I needed to do.
You're so welcome, but I thank YOU for honoring this day and sharing it with us. I'm sure it was heart wrenching to create this - but it's wonderful and it was my honor to give youa Standing O!!

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