

21st Selfie

  • Media owner zlemon
  • Date added
The pandemic changed how my favorite nephew celebrated his 21st birthday. Normally I would have treated him to a TexMex happy hour with margaritas and tacos. Then later that evening he would have gone bar hopping with friends. Instead he celebrated by going to a few liquor stores to buy boozejust so he could be carded and show his ID. I did treat to a bottle of tequila though.

Oh, I think he looks like John Lennon in this selfie with his thin face, round glasses and long hair. (He's had long hair ever since he was 5. And his hair is prettier than most girls, sigh.)

Used Anna Aspnes' APP Magoa.

Thanks for looking.
quite a good-looking young man with great hair! It's sad for young people - easy for old retired folks like me to stay out of bars - I don't go much when there is not a pandemic. I like the way you changed the tone in the lower part of the photo :-)
Love this story. It's funny and I would want to show off my driver's license too.
I love the picture in two parts and the color tone of the whole page. Sad to have to celebrate your 21st birthday like this. :(
Wonderfully unique interpretation of the lift! I love the double frame holding the color and black and white images!
he really looks like john lennon. wonderful story behind.
gorgeous dark colours with a hint of popping red.
Happy 21st Birthday to your nephew--he does look like Lennon. Wish he would have had more of a celebration
Celebrating when this situation is over will be all the more sweet. A really dynamic page.
Happy 21st! What a way to celebrate. Love the story and how Auntie Christy helps to make the day!

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