

2025 01 01 Week 1.jpg

January 1: We started the year by taking down the

holiday decorations. I love taking down the tree just

as must as I love putting it up. I think about all of those

who gave us the ornaments and reminiscence. Chad and I

took down the outdoor lights. I think it was warmer

today than it was when we put them up. On Thursday,

January 2nd, Molly followed me into my bedroom and

stole a shoe to cuddle with. I didn’t notice it as I sat

down to work and when I turned around, she was on

the couch, snuggling with it. We have noticed that Maggie

likes to sleep on the couch now and is too comfy to

get up for breakfast so on Saturday, January 4, I served

her breakfast in bed. That was the end of that though.

She made a mess. It was a snowy Sunday on January 5th.

Chad sat on the couch with the dogs while I scrapbooked.

It snowed all day. We took the dogs out for a bit when

it let up. Ember was like “Let me in! It’s too cold”. Maggie

and Molly loved playing in it. Molly likes to lick the snow.

For lunch, I made homemade vegetable beef soup and grilled

cheese. I wish I can make/find a gluten free bread that

is just as good as the bread I make Chad each week.

On Monday, January 7, we took Maggie to get spayed at

Dr. Johnson’s Vet. Clinic in New Baden. We love her.

She is always so afraid to get into the car and trembles

for the first 10 minutes of the ride, and I’m sure this

experience isn’t going to help with her anxiety, but

we hope to continue to go on “fun” rides and I hope

that anxiety will lessen. She did well in the surgery

and came home with this cute new “scarf”. It doesn’t

bother her a bit! She is doing great with her recovery.

Chad worked hard to keep the snow off the driveway

and parking lots of the property and kept the walkways

clear. Luckily, he had access to heavy equipment to

make the task easier. With the snow on the ground, I

filled the bird feeders so the birds would have something

to eat. It is times like this that I cherish my “work from

home” job and the fact that Chad works just a few

blocks away. We don’t have to worry about traffic

or accidents blocking the road. We are very blessed

to be in this scenario. And we have plenty of dogs

to keep us warm and cozy.
Credits list
Font for template: a Big Deal

Style: SNU_SSStyles_ChipBoardEdge6301-4, AFT_SSTools_PaperBorders_6401_1_Small

Numbers: AC- Office Scraps

Kit: Wintery Feelings: https://www.oscraps.com/shop/Wintery-Feelings-All-In-One.html
Designer(s) Used:
  1. Laitha
Photo(s) Credit (REQUIRED field beginning Feb 1, 2025)
Photos: Taken by myself
I commented on this on your Facebook page but wanted to add some thoughts: What I especially like about your PL pages is how you write not just about the facts of the week ("We took Maggie to get spayed") but how you bring personality and feelings into it all (e.g., "Molly likes to lick the snow" "(Maggie) is always so afraid to get into the car." You bring your week to life with your wonderful journaling!

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2025 01 01 Week 1.jpg
File size
224.5 KB
Date taken
Sat, 11 January 2025 9:01 AM
800px x 800px

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