Kit - Family Tree by Joanne Brisebois
Frame and flowers - from Simply Perfect by Sue Cummings
Swirl - from Of The Essence by Fei-fei's Stuff
Fonts - LD Jacob and LD Baskin Sundae
Font style used on title - Pencil Crayon by Bannerwoman
2010 - The beginning of something new
None of us really understands what we have done, but anyway, now we're houseowners. My dream has always been to move back to Trunna. I lived there when I was a kid, and I've always wanted to go back there. It's the most beautiful part of Orsa. When the house was up for sale, there was no doubt. We knew it was our new home. Perhaps the house is too big for our little family, but it's so beautiful. In a way, it feels like the house has a soul, and that soul is spreading happiness and comfort. Now we hope for many long years at home.