
04-17_Courtney's Recipe Challenge_Desire

04-17_Courtney's Recipe Challenge_Desire

I tried reading F.Scott Fitzgerald many years ago, and found it tough going. But we recently watched Zelda: The Beginning of Everything on TV, and I was intrigued enough to give it another go. The only book I could find at the library for my Kindle was "The Beautiful and the Damned." As I feared, it was just plain boring at the beginning, and there were no characters to like. (The book seems very autobiographical.) FSF seems so in love with his writing, I had trouble following the story. But finally, he got a bit past himself, and I began to find some interesting quotes. For a self-absorbed man who had strayed far from (if not rejected) his religion, he actually got the idea behind this quote pretty biblically accurate. Again, I'm intrigued enough with his writing that I will probably read another of his books (or two), but my original opinion, so far, stands: He's overrated!

Solid Paper: CourtneysDesigns_WTM_SP4

Scribble: CourtneysDesigns_WTM_Scribble5

Brushes: CourtneysDesigns_WTM_Spatters 1 & 3

Fonts: Traveling Typewriter and Ballerina Script

Photo: Internet: 1000 Images about Vera (sunlight shining through window)
I have to agree with you, both Fitzgerald and Hemingway are so tiring for me, even I really try to give them chances, because I love Vera Brittain's idea for their lost generation. But men authors, even skilled with the words are too much saturated with vices. However!
This layout is so beauty, remind me for back cover of some of their luxury editions with short stories books.
True before Fitzgerald wrote it in the 1920s and still true today...tantalizing, yet fleeting. Beautifully presented with the light beams shining on the white text!

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