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  1. BrightEyes

    June Challenge #7 - Recipe

    Just to clarify any confusion: 2 photo can be photos or Images from a collection You may add more photos if you wish.
  2. BrightEyes

    Daily Ooos: June 1-2: Weekend Edition

    Yesterday ended up being only half a PJ day. Got dressed at noon - into shorts and tee as the Gown and housecoat were too warm. It was 92* so had the A/C running for the first time this season. DD#3 called and we plotted out what we needed to do this week to get ready for the garage sale. She...
  3. BrightEyes

    Freebies in my Website

    Wonderful freebies for your newsletter subscribers!
  4. BrightEyes

    Daily Ooos: June 1-2: Weekend Edition

    Morning, all. I was smart last night and rubbed the neck, right shoulder and arm with Asper Cream and took a pain pill just before turning the light off at 10PM. Managed to sleep most of the night (only woke up twice) and finally woke up @8AM. Got my LO for Challenge #7 - Recipe uploaded into...
  5. Palvinka_EverythingHasBeauty_Kay.jpg


  6. Natali---May-You..jpg


  7. Challenge 7 - Recipe

    Challenge 7 - Recipe

    June Challenge #7 - Recipe @ OScraps https://oscraps.com/community/threads/june-challenge-7-recipe.39899/
  8. BrightEyes

    Daily Ooos: Friday, May 31

    The carpet guy was able to come an hour early. He got the hall carpets stretched - then went to work on cleaning the carpets. Boy... he really had to work to get them done. There is a few areas (mainly in the hallways) that still show some wear but all in all, they look okay. Last night was...
  9. BrightEyes

    KCD - Such a Lovely Day - May Color Play

    Thanks letting me play.
  10. KCD-Lovely-Day-Kay.jpg


  11. ewright-Tenalach-Kay.jpg


  12. Steampunk-Grunge---CRK---TMD - Kay

    Steampunk-Grunge---CRK---TMD - Kay

    Perfect collection for fantasy or Steampunk LOs
  13. BrightEyes

    Daily Ooos: Thursday, May 30

    Real quick in and out. Carpet Cleaners will be here in just a little while. Just finished moving the last of the lamps, small tables and other breakables from the master bedroom and family room. Almost forgot to put the trash bin out this morning until I heard the trash truck coming up the...
  14. BrightEyes

    Comment by 'BrightEyes' in media '20240529-sinking-feeling.jpg'

    Wow... what an eye-catcher!!! Love it all.
  15. karen-schulz-a-good-man-kit-scrapbook-page-Kay-02.jpg


  16. karen-schulz-a-good-man-kit-scrapbook-page-Kay-01.jpg


  17. BrightEyes

    Daily Ooos: Wednesday, May 29

    Morning, gals. Yes, summer temps have arrived BIG TIME... Ended up with the ceiling fans running most of the day. That was good as the A/C didn't come on even though it was in the low 90's. I finished my errands done before it got too hot. About 3:00 PM as I was sitting in the recliner I...
  18. BrightEyes

    Daily Ooos: Tuesday, May 28

    Not sure why I woke up at 6AM this morning. Could be because the sun has moved further north so it is hitting the patio & lighting up the ceiling there and shining in a crack in edge of the blind on the patio door in the master bedroom, No clouds so it is really bright reddish-orange!!! We...
  19. BrightEyes

    Daily Ooos: Monday, May 27

    Morning, all. I am sitting here playing on the computer while listening to Anne Murphy's cassette tapes! I love that I have duplicates - cassettes in the office and CDs in the family room - so no moving them back and forth. And yes, I have a cassette player in the family room, too. You...
  20. BrightEyes

    Making a comeback...

    Oh, Amanda... so sorry to hear about your dad. It is a horrible disease and affects everyone in the family. I am keeping you and the family in my prayers. :hug2: