
musicmom3's latest activity

  • musicmom3
    musicmom3 posted a comment on the media item Ninebarks.
    No, no, no! It's not your thumbs! You have simply not mind-merged with the plants that are native to your area. All of us have been led...
  • musicmom3
    musicmom3 reacted to lacy's comment on media item Ninebarks with Like Like.
    Oh Wow! I am so envious, both my thumbs are shriveled and brown, not green, haha. I have learned to never even go look at plants...
  • musicmom3
    musicmom3 reacted to Joansmor's comment on media item Ninebarks with Like Like.
    I love flowers but not gardening. I buy only easy-care stuff. This is a wonderful page.
  • musicmom3
    musicmom3 reacted to KimPay's comment on media item April 2024 with Like Like.
    Thank you @AK_Tracy @lacy @pmjames @musicmom3 @dwsewbiz @Joansmor for your wonderful comments. They are appreciated. :heartpumpred:
  • musicmom3
    musicmom3 reacted to AnaSantos's comment on media item Road Trip with Like Like.
    Thank you so much @lacy, @musicmom3, @NAdams and @zwyck for your wonderful comments!!
  • musicmom3
    musicmom3 reacted to pam p's comment on media item Ninebarks with Love Love.
    Speaking of rabbit holes! Love your enthusiasm and hard work. Sounds like the shopping trip paid off and for years.
  • musicmom3
    musicmom3 reacted to zwyck's comment on media item Ninebarks with Like Like.
    Gorgeous, gorgeous blending! Just a fantastic page!
  • musicmom3
    musicmom3 posted a comment on the media item Ninebarks.
    Thank you so much! Doing this is like painting with plants and at this time of year it's so much fun to plan and shop and plant...and...
  • musicmom3
    musicmom3 reacted to AK_Tracy's comment on media item Ninebarks with Like Like.
    Oh what a beautiful layout. As someone who cant grow anything this is extra beautiful. Never heard of the things you planted or hunted...
  • musicmom3
    musicmom3 reacted to NAdams's comment on media item Ninebarks with Like Like.
    Beautiful! You will have to do a follow-up design after they have grown!
  • musicmom3
    musicmom3 posted a comment on the media item Ninebarks.
    It's a BIG level, that's for sure...and there's more happening around the back. This is year 3 of beating back the overgrowth and...
  • musicmom3
    musicmom3 reacted to dwsewbiz's comment on media item Ninebarks with Like Like.
    Whoa you take gardening to a whole different level! I love the way the journaling, title and large photo capture center attention!
  • musicmom3
    musicmom3 posted a comment on the media item Ninebarks.
    Thanks so much fellow gardener! The house is an 1876 farmhouse and when we bought it a few years ago it was overgrown with every...
  • musicmom3
    musicmom3 reacted to JeanneMN's comment on media item Ninebarks with Love Love.
    Oh, you are soooooooooo speaking my language. I had 3 Ninebarks and only have 1.5 left. They were planted in the wrong spot where they...
  • musicmom3
    Oy vey, you've got to miss Portland Gardening at times. This is stunning! Congrats on the Standing O, and for being a Gardener Supreme!